, author: Ermakova M.

Emulsion for lubricating molds

Emulsion for greasing molds is a very convenient composition that will allow you to easily remove baked goods even from molds without a non-stick coating.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_atlasfoto

Emulsion for greasing molds came into my life because I happened to show my very successful apple cake recipe to a friend who loves to bake. Well, I thought that I had a very successful recipe.

And a friend told me: “You are impassable tundra! You might think that you live on a desert island! In the hut of Miklouho-Maclay! What kind of Middle Ages is it, why “the walls of the cake should be separated from its sides with a knife”? Haven’t you heard about the emulsion for grease molds?

The fact is that I really haven’t even heard of her. I don't know about you. Did you hear that? Or am I the only one so dense? True, I bake very rarely, so maybe I really missed the new confectionery fashion... So, it turns out, there is such a thing that is used to lubricate the molds so that the baked goods can be easily separated even from those without a non-stick coating. It is also sold ready-made, but, as it seemed to me, there is no point in buying it for a person who does not bake too much, but it is easier to mix it yourself every time.

Emulsion for greasing molds for home cooking consists of essentially two components: flour and fat. Yes, yes, this is the usual “grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with flour”, but in the form of an emulsion. The fact is that it is not realistic to grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with flour for all types of baked goods. For example, it was simply impossible to do this for the sand shell cake that I had - the dough, when distributed over the walls, would have disrupted the entire layer of this type, and it would have been of no use. It is difficult to coat molds with complex configurations with butter and flour. It can also leave unsightly marks on dark baked goods. The emulsion for lubricating molds does not have all these problems. This is simply a modern, refined version of an old and well-proven technique, devoid of a couple of its shortcomings.

To lubricate a mold with a diameter of 24-28 cm, an emulsion prepared from 1 tsp is sufficient. flour (heaped) and two teaspoons of any fats that tolerate high-temperature treatment. That is, olive oil and butter, for example, are not suitable. Refined sunflower oil, sprout oil, coconut oil, ghee, animal fat and lard, on the contrary, are suitable. You can take one spoon of vegetable oil, one of animal fat, or purely vegetable oil. I tried several different options and didn't notice much of a difference.

Emulsion for lubricating molds
Кухня: European, домашние заготовки, калории: 652, время приготовления: 02:10


Wheat flour - 1 tsp.

Vegetable oil - 2 tsp.


1. To prepare the emulsion for greasing the molds, first put the flour in a small bowl. On a saucer, for example, it is no longer convenient to stir. These bowls for sauces seemed optimal to me.

2. Add the first spoonful of butter to the flour and grind until as smooth as possible. Oil can be different, flour can be different, if you get an emulsion right away, then everything is fine.

3. If after the first spoonful of oil you get not an emulsion, but something like window putty, then add the second spoonful of oil literally drop by drop. The problem is that for some reason an emulsion that is too thin is much more difficult to thicken. It should have the right consistency so that it spreads over the mold and does not flow like a liquid sauce.

4. To work with shortcrust pastry, the mold, after greasing with the emulsion, is additionally placed in the refrigerator - this benefits both the dough and the fixation of the emulsion on the mold.

5. Now let me show you the finished product, removed from the mold, pre-treated with this emulsion for lubricating molds. Please compare the side of the cake with the penultimate photo of the recipe, the link to which I give at the beginning, with the photo under this paragraph. In the old version, traces of separating the baked goods from the sides of the pan with a knife are quite clearly visible. Here the cake is absolutely smooth, because it calmly came out of the mold and without a knife. Although the shape was exactly the same, the dough was the same, and the cake was the same.

6. I hope that my recipe for an emulsion for lubricating molds will be useful to those reading these lines just as it was useful to me!