, author: Ermakova M.

The best drink on a hot day is plain water.

There are other ways to restore water balance.

Photo source: ru.freepik

In the hot season, a person, especially when performing some kind of physical activity, loses fluid not only through sweat, but even through normal breathing.

Doctors advise in such a situation to drink plenty of fluids in order to prevent dehydration.

At the same time, experts categorically do not recommend energy drinks, sodas, and even more so low-alcohol drinks, which only at the beginning create the appearance of thirst quenching.

According to doctors, drinks containing various salts - juices, mineral waters - will bring more benefits. Whey drinks are a good thirst quencher.

However, the best thing in the heat, according to experts, ordinary clean water quenches thirst. It does not take much to replenish the balance. In addition, it is the safest even in comparison with store-bought mineral water.

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