, author: Plackhin A.

Rejuvenates and slims: 5 facts about the benefits of pumpkin

Shortly before the onset of fall, pumpkin becomes more and more popular - dishes and drinks made from it are an integral part of the fall menu.

Pumpkin is one of the most autumnal products. It has a bright taste and aroma, as well as a mass of useful properties, which are worth talking about in detail:

Vitamin A

Pumpkin pulp contains a lot of beta-carotene (it is responsible for the bright coloring of the fruit), which is converted into vitamin A in our body. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and skin, evening out its tone. Consumption of pumpkin is an easy and tasty way to become even more beautiful.

Crude dietary fiber

Their abundance makes pumpkin harmless for the figure even in the presence of a large amount of sugar in its pulp - about 4.5 grams per 100 g. Mono- and disaccharides are compensated by dietary fiber - about 2 grams per 100 g. Due to this, the consumption of sweet pumpkin does not cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. Dietary fiber also stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, speeding up metabolism, so you stay slim.

Vitamin E

It is also called the vitamin of youth. It protects cells from aging and the harmful effects of the environment. The magic vitamin is rich not only in pumpkin pulp, but also in its seeds.

Iron and copper

These elements normalize the nervous system, relieve stress. Frequent use of pumpkin and dishes from it will be an effective prevention of depression and insomnia. A cheerful orange color of pumpkin pie, salad or drink with pumpkin (you just need to boil pumpkin slices in boiling water, add a couple of lemon slices, sugar and (optional) mint - delicious, no similar to anything "cocktail" is ready) is guaranteed to lift your mood.


The high potassium content in pumpkin removes excess fluid from the body, thus preventing the appearance of edema. This, in turn, reduces blood pressure, so pumpkin is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension.