A glass of lemonade in the summer heat can provoke fat folds on the sides
Quenching thirst is far-fetched.
Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_oskanov
Any nutritionist will add sweet soda to the list of the most dangerous drinks for the human body.
The exorbitant amount of sugar in them is a threat not only to the figure, but can also provoke serious ailments.
Moreover, it is dangerous to quench your thirst with soda in a hot period of time. An ordinary glass of lemonade only for a short time shows the beneficial quenching of thirst.
But after a few minutes, thanks to the effect of sugar, the person is thirsty again. And repeats the process. Then more and more.
As a result, over the summer, with a love for soda, you can quietly gain weight and approach the fall with unexpected new fat folds on your sides.
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