Nutritionists advised to rid the refrigerator of popular products in the summer
Such food is considered perishable.
Photo source: freepik
Products with a minimum shelf life and the content of semi-finished products and a protein-carbohydrate medium should not be consumed frequently and in bulk in the hot season.
First of all, we are talking about a wide range of dairy products, many of which "live" for only a few days.
Even being refrigerated, milk, kefir, yoghurts and so on can spoil very quickly.
Therefore, when summer comes, especially in hot weather, experts advise not to stock up on "milk" for a long time.
In addition, it is not recommended to use such products before bedtime, so as not to cause a long toss and turn against the background of a working intestine, and you should definitely not drink and eat them before leaving the house.
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