, author: Ermakova M.

Losing weight people helped to make a choice between healthy and harmful carbohydrates

Improper nutrition can bury all hopes of getting rid of extra pounds.

Photo source: prostooleh / freepik.com

The right choice of products in the process of fighting for the perfect figure is a rather difficult thing. Therefore, experts advise in advance to discuss the issue with a professional nutritionist.

However, it's also important to remember that carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet, but they come in many forms and each has its own function.

For example, simple carbohydrates are digested quickly, which means that it will be problematic to fight excess weight. In addition, they increase blood sugar.

But complex carbohydrates are digested longer, have a low glycemic index, but give the body the necessary energy.

Nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, vegetables and dairy products are on the list of the healthiest complex carbohydrates.

But in any case, consultation with an experienced specialist before going on a diet is definitely needed.

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