, author: Plackhin A.

Listen to yourself: 5 signals that you need to change your diet

Beauty and health depend on many factors. One of the most important is nutrition.

More and more people are adhering to a healthy diet and carefully watching the number of calories they consume. But even with such a scrupulous approach to nutrition, the body can give signals that something has gone wrong. How can you recognize them?

You're tired all the time

It's morning, you haven't done much yet and you're already tired? Increased fatigue is often caused by eating long-processed foods, as well as sweets, sweet fruits and dried fruits (they spike blood sugar levels, but then drop them just as dramatically, causing weakness and lethargy).

Your hair looks unhealthy

Dull, brittle, split ends..... Hair is a direct reflection of how well your diet is (or is not) working for you. Deteriorating hair often signals a lack of protein or iron in the body.

You feel anxious, depressed.

This is familiar to people who eat mostly fast food and/or processed foods. This diet starves the brain. To function properly, it needs omega-3 fatty acids, which are not found in burgers, pasta and frozen convenience foods.

Rashes appear on the skin

Your skin signals quite loudly about inappropriate nutrition - itching, acne, excessive dryness or greasy shine indicate the need to add more vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids to the menu.

You get sick often

With proper nutrition, the immune system is strong and actively resists colds. Cornell University researchers found that patients who complained of frequent illnesses improved significantly when their diets were enriched with vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Citrus fruits, seasonal berries, and lean fish and meat will remedy the situation - these foods not only satiate but also strengthen the body.