Hypertension patients announced the best product to reduce pressure
With this disease, the diet must be approached especially carefully.
Photo source: ru.freepik
With hypertension, it is most important for people to constantly control the level of sugar and salt, carbohydrate and fatty foods.
If necessary, this level must be reduced, and for the most part this is done with the help of drugs prescribed by a doctor.
The right diet also plays an important role, in which, according to doctors, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and natural, unprocessed plant products must be present without fail.
At the same time, it is believed that cucumbers can provide the most effective help to hypertensive patients for the prevention of pressure surges.
An affordable vegetable consisting largely of water is an excellent conductor of moisture for the body, which is extremely necessary under pressure.
In addition, the use of cucumbers does not provoke a critical increase in glucose and insulin levels.
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