, author: Ermakova M.

Coffee lovers revealed the three main mistakes that are dangerous to health

A healthy drink is not so difficult to turn into a harmful product.

Photo source: @freepik/freepik.com

There are millions of coffee fans in the world, because this drink is considered the most popular. Another thing is that even avid coffee drinkers sometimes do not think about their health. Doctors called the three main mistakes that are dangerous to the body.

Firstly, it is the use of coffee on an empty stomach, which increases acidity and provokes future diseases in the gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, doctors call the benefits of coffee after a sleepless night not just a myth, but, on the contrary, a considerable harm.

In such a situation, a sleepy person experiences a feeling of fatigue and anxiety, and the drink only enhances these feelings.

And, finally, it is worth remembering that any useful product, which is coffee, has its own consumption rate.

For an adult healthy person, this is three to four cups a day. But many neglect this figure, and in return get a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, a shattered nervous system and insomnia.

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