Nutritionists have disproved the myth about the dangers of darkened apples
The danger of such fruits is greatly exaggerated.
Photo source: freepik
On the Web, you can find many stories that darkened apples are allegedly not only harmful, but also dangerous to human health, because they are already considered rotten.
Nutritionists do not agree with this judgment, arguing that browning has nothing to do with decay.
This happens most often after cutting the fruit, when its open part comes into contact with oxygen, as a result of which the enzymes are activated, and the surface becomes darker.
According to doctors, in addition to losing their appearance, apples do not lose any of their usefulness. And certainly not dangerous to health.
If someone really wants the apples to have a more pleasant background, they can be sprinkled with sugar or poured with lemon juice.
This method allows you to slow down the process of oxidation of the surface of the fetus with its subsequent darkening.
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