, author: Ermakova M.

Lovers of outdoor recreation named the most unfortunate products for a picnic

In the heat, some food spoils in a matter of hours.

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Summer is considered the most popular time of the year for nature trips. And, of course, what is outdoor recreation without a good picnic?

Another thing is to stock up on the right foods so that spoiled food doesn't ruin the whole trip.

According to experts, in everyday life, natural products are more useful than processed ones. And when going out into nature, the opposite is true.

The more natural the product, the faster it becomes unusable in the fresh air, heat and sun.

Therefore, a picnic is that rare case when it is better to give preference to “junk food”.

Also, nutritionists point to a common mistake people make when they diligently wrap meat and other products in tight packaging, supposedly so that they can be stored longer.

Only in unventilated packaging - for example, in a plastic bag - the process of decay is accelerated at times.

In addition, you should not take complex and “heavy” dishes with you, which can put a strain on the stomach and intestines in the most inopportune place and at the most inopportune moment.

Also, picnic lovers are advised to cook sandwiches on the spot, and not at home, so that all the ingredients keep their freshness as long as possible.

And finally, for those who go out into nature quite often, it would be best to purchase a cooler bag. It might not be cheap. But the food will definitely remain safe to eat.

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