, author: Ermakova M.

People aged 55+ named the most dangerous product for health

Over the years, a person's diet should change.

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

The older a person becomes, the weaker his immune system, and the slower the internal organs work.

Accordingly, the food that was most often painlessly consumed from a young age is not digested so quickly after fifty-five.

According to doctors, at a respectable age, people need to stay away from fast food and canned food.

But the worst effect on the body is fast food, which in itself is not useful against the background of unusual calorie content and the presence of a large percentage of carbohydrates, fats, trans fats and salt.

Such a product makes the liver and gastrointestinal tract work with an even greater load.

But it is these internal organs that wear out over the years, and aged people often have problems with them.

Therefore, these problems should not be further exacerbated. Moreover, no one forbids ordinary dishes with meat and fish.

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