, author: Plackhin A.

Nutritionists have named the most effective porridge for maintaining efficiency

Most of these meals are considered healthy.

Photo source: ru.freepik

Porridge is good to eat at least three or four times a week - especially for breakfast in the morning hours.

Meanwhile, even among the useful cereals used to make porridge, there is the most effective in terms of maintaining performance.

According to nutritionists, the leadership here can be given to buckwheat groats, rich in vitamins B and C, as well as magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc.

All these substances are to some extent necessary for the human body to maintain its functionality.

In addition, buckwheat contains proportional amounts of fiber and protein of vegetable origin, ready to give the body additional energy.

Accordingly, buckwheat porridge is good in the morning - to wake up quickly, and at lunch to work on a good level the second half of the day.

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