, author: Ermakova M.

Coffee has another health benefit

The drink is already considered the most popular in the world.

Photo source: freepik.com

It has been scientifically proven that the favorite drink of millions of people contributes to the rapid awakening, the work of the brain, heart and digestive organs.

We are talking about coffee, in which a group of scientists discovered another healing virtue.

According to the results of a long-term study, people who drink the drink daily have a reduced risk of developing cognitive impairment.

According to a statistical calculation, regular coffee consumption (but without abuse) reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease immediately by eight percent.

Experts associate this fact with the slow accumulation of amyloid proteins in the brain of lovers of this drink.

And just these markers are quite closely associated with a number of terrible ailments, including the aforementioned disease.

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