, author: Plackhin A.

Unsweetened foods can also cause diabetes

Improper nutrition is not just about overindulging in sweets.

Photo source: freepik.com

It has long been believed that sweets and foods with high sugar content dramatically increase blood glucose levels.

Abuse of such food over time can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus in a person.

However, experts say that not only sweet food can lead to such sad consequences.

The list of risk includes any baked goods based on wheat flour, white rice, a number of pasta products, mashed potatoes, instant porridge, corn, semolina, various snacks, including chips and popcorn.

According to medics, all these are products with a fairly high glycemic level, and when abused, they are no less harmful than sweets.

Moreover, even such useful in many respects pumpkin, beets and carrots in boiled form can be dangerous if they are overly fond of them.

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