, author: Plackhin A.

Nutritionists have revealed why vegetable salad is best eaten before the first meal

It's not just a tradition.

Photo source: freepik.com

Many people are used to the fact that in cafes and hotels before salads of vegetables or greens are served first, before the main meal.

Rarely do people think about the origin of this tradition and why it is done at all.

The answer to this question is known among physicians - nutritionists and nutritionists, according to whom, vegetable salads banally stimulate the digestive system.

Accordingly, more "heavy" dishes - soups, side dishes and so on, will digest already more quickly and easily.

It is reported that for a healthy person by and large there is no big difference in what to eat first - salad or first course.

But for those who somehow face problems in the GI tract, it is better to stimulate their digestive system with a light salad.

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