, author: Plackhin A.

Late breakfast has proven to be fraught with negative consequences

Eating in the morning is important for your health.

Photo source: freepik

The usefulness of breakfast for the human body has long been scientifically proven, allowing you to recharge for the day ahead.

However, for many people the morning can stretch for a long time, and they sit down at the table late.

And just a group of European scientists shared the results of their research, according to which breakfast after nine o'clock in the morning increases the risk of developing type II diabetes by almost sixty percent.

And an earlier meal, up to eight in the morning, on the contrary, this risk is quite seriously reduces. By the way, the same situation is observed in relation to dinner.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that nutritionists and other medical professionals remind people that breakfast should be eaten soon after waking up, and dinner on the contrary - at least four hours before going to bed.

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