, author: Ermakova M.

Hidden danger found in healthy dried fruits

Under certain circumstances, you can get yourself in trouble.

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Dried fruits are considered a useful product in many ways, and also very convenient.

Their undoubted advantage is long-term storage and ease of preparation of dishes and drinks from them.

However, many people forget that dried fruits, like any other product, must be thoroughly washed before use.

Experts say that in order to give dried fruits a more pleasant look, they can be treated with various “chemistry”: fungicides, antifungal drugs, sulfur dioxide and caustic soda, which can be aggressive and injure the walls of the gastric mucosa.

Sulfur dioxide will force the liver to work harder when trying to remove additional toxins from the body, and this can be a serious blow to the organ.

In addition, even dried fruits stored at home can be crawled by insects, including flies, which are carriers of various infections and parasites. So, even clean-looking dried fruits are first put for washing, and only then we prepare food and drinks from them.

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