, author: Ermakova M.

Cardiologists reveal the benefits of apricots for heart health

The fruit contains a huge number of nutrients.

Photo source: freepik

Huge amounts of vitamins and minerals in the apricot make this fruit the most beneficial for the human cardiovascular system.

According to cardiologists, the use of apricots to some extent contributes to a more harmonious functioning of the heart muscle.

The presence of a large percentage of potassium and magnesium in the composition of this fruit also delays the wear of the very heart muscle, and helps to clean the vessels.

At the same time, experts remind that, for all their usefulness, apricots are considered a fairly high-calorie fruit.

Therefore, you should not abuse them to avoid the risk of excess weight and diabetes.

One hundred and fifty grams per day is the maximum dose of this fruit per day for an adult without visible health problems.

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