The right lunch will help you not to hibernate in the afternoon
After a meal, people often feel a breakdown.
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Lunch is considered the most voluminous meal and after it, it would seem that a person should feel a surge of strength in himself.
But often the opposite situation arises with lethargy, drowsiness and unwillingness to do something.
According to nutritionists, this is due to the wrong choice of food for dinner, which does not contain the proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates necessary for the body.
Lean meat and green salad are useful in their own way, but even in the middle of the day they are not able to effectively fill a person with energy physically and mentally.
Conversely, too high-calorie lunch can cause the same drowsiness and the desire to lie down, sit.
Therefore, experts recommend not to lean separately on fiber or carbohydrates, but to include food of all directions in the daily diet in approximately equal proportions.
For example, a green salad can go with fish and sweet potatoes, while beans go well with pasta and chicken.
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