, author: Plackhin A.

Psychologists found a way to get rid of the habit of eating sweet foods to nourish stress

Sweets seem to be saviors in difficult situations.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Most people traditionally eat sweet food - chocolate bars, candies, desserts, cakes and so on - to nourish their stresses and troubles.

Such food is included in all conceivable and unthinkable ratings of the most harmful to the human body.

Meanwhile, psychologists see a way out of this situation, and at the same time a reason to get rid of pessimistic mood.

According to experts, any stress or depression has a specific ground - professional or personal failures, offense, loneliness, fatigue and so on.

So, people rush to eat their stresses without even thinking about their origin. "First of all, it is necessary to calmly figure out what is happening to you, and for what reason," - psychologists explain.

And already finding the cause of all their current woes will help to find and ways to solve them bypassing "sweet" gluttony.

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