, author: Ermakova M.

Losing weight people called the reasons for stopping the diet

Good health is more important than a perfect figure.

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Diet is one of the ways to fight excess weight, but sometimes there come times when it is worth returning to standard nutrition.

According to nutritionists, a significant and permanent deterioration in well-being can be a reason to temporarily close the diet issue.

Constant weakness, excessive fatigue, nausea and dizziness may indicate a nutritional deficiency in the body.

At the same time, irritability, aggressiveness, a tendency to conflict, tears, and so on are manifested.

In such a situation, at least temporarily, it is worth returning to the classic diet, albeit more high-calorie.

In addition, frequent colds and even slow-healing wounds, deterioration of external vigor and fading of the skin also indicate the instability of the body due to the transition to diets.

Therefore, there is reason to discuss the state of affairs with a specialist in terms of further diet for every day.

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