, author: Ermakova M.

Cardiologists voiced harmful recipes that turn healthy cereals into poison

Cereals are considered to be good for health.

Photo source: ru.freepik

Most people know that cereals are good for breakfast and snacks due to the presence of useful trace elements and low calorie content.

But many gourmets, wanting to diversify such dishes, make fatal mistakes in their preparation and serving.

First of all, porridge becomes extremely unhealthy if you season the dish with butter or some kind of frying when cooking.

In this way, it is easy to increase the "bad" cholesterol in the vessels, and harm the work of the heart.

Also, you should definitely not abuse the amount of salt when cooking cereals, which, as you know, retains fluid in the body, and gradually leads to the development of hypertension.

And, finally, the habit of people to use it not as a main dish, but, for example, with fatty meat, turns porridge into a real poison for the body.

In such a situation, porridge itself loses all its benefits. Moreover, then, together with meat, it is digested for a very long time, contributing to the appearance of additional body fat and negatively affecting the intestinal microflora.

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