, author: Ermakova M.

Nutritionists have named the safest foods for a figure as a snack

Sometimes you want to eat something at an unplanned time.

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_serezniy

After-hour snacks are not welcomed by experts, as they knock you off the gastronomic rhythm and can affect weight.

However, if you already need a snack, you should choose the safest products for this.

In this list, nutritionists have included vegetables (cucumbers, cruciferous, spinach, eggplant and zucchini) and fruits - it is best to take an apple or avocado.

Also, a snack can consist of eggs, a fish dish, legumes, cottage cheese, oatmeal, chicken or turkey.

Any of the above products contains a lot of useful substances with which you can get enough of a small amount of food eaten, and at the same time restore strength for the rest of the day.

And most importantly, all this food is low-calorie, which means it will not cause direct harm to the figure.

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