Elevated levels are fraught with the development of serious ailments.
Photo source: ru.freepik
High levels of cholesterol in the body can lead to very bad health consequences over time.
Therefore, doctors advise, firstly, to contact specialists if you feel worse, and secondly, to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
But food plays an equally important role in lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol, and, in particular, one of the popular vegetables.
We are talking about red pepper, in which capsanthin is especially prominent among several types of antioxidant compounds.
This substance, together with vitamin B, actively fights to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, while increasing the level of "good" cholesterol and, thereby, saving a person from many health troubles.
Материал носит ознакомительный характер. Перед применением рекомендаций и советов с сайта необходима очная консультация с лечащим врачом.