, author: Ermakova M.

Doctors announced the most dangerous foods for the liver

It's not just alcohol.

Photo source: ru.freepik

Most people believe that the liver is such a strong and tenacious organ that only alcohol can “kill” it.

Without reducing the harmful role of alcoholic beverages, doctors assure that the list of products harmful to the liver is much wider.

Here and processed meat, and all kinds of fast foods, and an abundance in the diet of sweets and starchy foods, and canned food, and soda.

The main danger of the listed food is that it is popular and is consumed almost daily.

As a result, part of the unprocessed food settles in the body in the form of toxins and toxins, which the liver cannot always cope with.

By the way, the favorite drink of millions of people - coffee, if abused, can lead to liver diseases.

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