, author: Ermakova M.

Healthy strawberries can be hazardous to health

Any food should be approached wisely.

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Like most berries, strawberries are not only one of the most popular, but also incredibly healthy in every way. But even she has her "pitfalls".

Doctors call the main mistake of gourmets the abuse of this berry, when eating which it is sometimes simply impossible to stop.

If you exceed a safe dose of consumption, you can get allergies, redness on the skin, itching, hives, and even Quincke's edema.

It is also worth remembering that strawberries are literally dotted with grains with a kind of villi.

These tiny seeds have the bad property of not being digested at all, and remaining in the body, they scratch and irritate the mucous membrane, causing discomfort.

If a person has gastritis or an ulcer, eating strawberries can even lead to an aggravation of the disease or a dangerous attack.

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