Summer Delight: The Best Foods to Cool Down in the Heat
A well-chosen diet can be a salvation from the summer heat.
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Some products, due to their special properties, help to cool the human body in the heat no worse than refreshing drinks.
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Cucumbers contain a huge amount of liquid in their composition, so such a snack in the heat of the day will be truly saving.
Zucchini is also distinguished by a high liquid content, which are also excellent suppliers of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as a whole cycle of useful minerals that help the body weakened in the heat to recover as quickly as possible.
Asparagus' low calorie content and high fiber content make it a great hot-weather ingredient without overwhelming your stomach with a lot of food.
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More than eighty percent of kiwi is water, thanks to which even a small fruit, when consumed in hot weather, can quench your thirst as much as possible.
Moreover, kiwifruit is credited with helping not only to stabilize the water balance, but also to keep the skin fresh and counteract the sun's rays.
The high content of vitamin C in lime makes it indispensable in dietary and clinical nutrition. Ascorbic acid lowers cholesterol and removes toxins from the body.
And lime-based chilled drinks are literally a salvation from the summer heat.
The same can be said about coconut, or rather about coconut water, which is not in vain called a miracle drink.
Containing healthy carbohydrates, electrolytes and minerals, the liquid is great for refreshing in the heat and is exceptionally healthy.
A girl eats cherries
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Almost all berries are natural antioxidants, for which they are called a real medicine for humans.
There is a lot of water in raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries, strawberries, blueberries and other berries, which makes dishes from them not only tasty and healthy, but also excellent thirst quenchers.
One of the most “liquid” berries, which is often called a fruit, is a watermelon. Composed of ninety-two percent water, it literally spreads over the chin, hands and sometimes clothes when used. So, with a couple of slices of watermelon, you can eat and drink at the same time.
And other saviors
homemade mojito
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Many types of greens, useful in themselves, effectively quench thirst and make up for the lack of fluid in the body during the heat.
First of all, here experts single out sorrel, which supports the work of the heart and blood vessels, which suffer most from the heat.
Unpleasant sensations in the intestines that appear during a hot period are excellently extinguished by mint. This herbaceous plant has the ability to cool the body. Mint leaves are especially pleasant with homemade lemonade or fruit salad.
Due to the high content of iron, green buckwheat strengthens the nervous system, helps to cope with apathy during the heat, and also improves the quality of sleep, which suffers greatly during the heat.
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