Losing weight people called the most useful cereals on a diet
Some grains are high in calories.
Photo source: freepik
Porridges are considered healthy food due to the fact that in their composition they are a source of vitamins and minerals.
Also, some cereals are rich in vegetable fiber, which the body needs in the process of losing weight to maintain strength.
Nutritionists consider buckwheat, whole grain rice, amaranth, oatmeal and quinoa to be the most useful cereals in the fight against excess weight.
Berries, nuts and chopped fruit can be added to add variety and flavor to dishes.
At the same time, experts remind that sufficiently high-calorie cereals still cannot be the basis of a diet.
Therefore, in the process of losing weight, they can be consumed no more than three to four times a week, and best of all in the morning in the form of breakfast.