, author: Ermakova M.

Nutritionists advised to remove from the diet a number of products to get rid of belly fat

"Beer belly" is not always associated with the use of a foamy drink.

Photo source: ru.freepik

Many older men do not see anything wrong with the presence of the so-called "beer belly".

However, it forms by increasing the volume of visceral fat, which is truly dangerous to health.

Such obesity threatens with diseases of internal organs, diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

When you realize the need to bring yourself back to normal, first of all, you need to turn to specialists.

Also, activity, sports and a properly balanced diet should come into play, from which a number of products should be excluded.

In the list of foods that should be taboo, nutritionists have included processed meats, fast foods and burgers, sweets, as well as delicious, but very unhealthy donuts, cakes, muffins, cakes and so on. And, of course, no alcohol.

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