, author: Ermakova M.

Named the most dangerous drinks of the summer

In hot weather, it's important to stay hydrated.

Photo source: 123rf.com

In the hot summer, the human body loses fluid quickly, so it is very important to maintain water balance.

Simply put, you need to drink more water. And we are talking about water, and not about other drinks, some of which are simply dangerous to health.

According to nutritionists, the passion for sweet soda with a huge percentage of sugar in its composition in the heat can lead to diabetes, metabolic disorders and excess weight.

In addition, instead of quenching thirst, you can get the opposite effect and even more dehydration of the body.

In addition, during a hot period of time, it is definitely worth giving up even low-alcohol drinks, which only create the illusion of quenching thirst, but in fact can bring considerable problems.

In addition to being harmful things in themselves, alcohol softens the brain, especially in the heat, and a person can lose control of himself.

This is fraught with risky swimming, sunstroke due to long exposure to the sun and other troubles.