, author: Ermakova M.

Superfoods for Cancer Prevention: Foods That Protect Against Cancer

You can fight cancer not only with the help of modern medical methods, but also with proper nutrition.

Photo source: @prostooleh/Freepik.com

There are a number of products, regular consumption of which can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. Which products are the most effective in this regard?

Unsaturated fats, in particular omega-3, play one of the key roles. They have unique properties: they help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and protect cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Most omega-3 is found in fatty sea fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Another good source of these valuable fats are nuts, especially walnuts, as well as vegetable oils, among which flaxseed oil is the leader.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the balance between omega-3 and omega-6. The latter, in turn, predominate, for example, in butter. Violation of this balance in favor of omega-6 is fraught with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and aggravation of inflammatory processes - factors contributing to the development of oncology.

Plant fiber plays an equally important role in cancer prevention. It is found in abundance in whole grains, green vegetables, legumes, avocados, and other plant foods. The main benefit of fiber is its ability to bind and remove carcinogenic substances from the body.


Photo source: ru.freepik

Cruciferous vegetables have no less preventive potential. Thus, broccoli, especially the Calabrese variety, is rich in vitamins K, A, D, as well as selenium, a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it surpasses all other varieties of cabbage in the content of sulforaphane, a component with proven anti-cancer action. It is for this reason that regularly including broccoli in the diet is especially useful for the prevention of breast cancer.

In turn, citrus fruits, in addition to containing vitamin C, are considered a valuable source of flavonoids. These compounds play an important role in controlling metabolic processes and neutralizing free radicals, the main factors in the development of cancer.

Thus, to reduce the risk of cancer, it is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. These include sea fish, nuts, vegetable oils, whole grains, green vegetables, legumes, broccoli and citrus fruits. Regular consumption of these "superfoods" will not only help protect you from the effects of carcinogens, but will also contribute to overall health.

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