Diet for beauty: named the most useful and most harmful products for the skin
Much depends on the quality of nutrition in the human body.
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One of the most beneficial foods for skin health nutritionists call fish. Rich in substances necessary for the body, it helps smooth wrinkles, nourishes the skin, giving it a healthier look, and also fights age spots.
It is also recommended to include muesli nuts, pumpkin and carrots, which contain vitamin A.
It helps cells recover quickly in case of skin diseases, gradually leveling the skin.
But the excessive consumption of your favorite coffee not least contributes to the appearance of blackouts and swelling on the face.
Salty food is also harmful, which retains fluid in the body. And for the skin, water balance is extremely important.
And, of course, do not forget about the total harm of sugar and, in general, sweet foods and drinks.
This is exactly the same diet that accelerates the biological process of aging, primarily reflected in the human face.