Beware: Top Foods That Cause Bloating
Along with the feeling of satiety, some foods also give an unpleasant feeling of bloating.
Often, after eating, there is a feeling that you have eaten much more. It seems that there is a balloon inside you, which is getting bigger and bigger. It’s not about the amount of food eaten, but about the products themselves - it’s from them that it seems to inflate you:
White bread
Bread and pastries made from refined, processed flour do not bring any benefit to the body. But it significantly harms, due to the high content of sugar and yeast. The latter cause excessive gas formation. When choosing bread, give preference to gray or black - there is no yeast in the recipe for such bread.
Sweet carbonated drinks
They also contribute to gas formation due to their enrichment with hydrocarbons. For this reason, after drinking a glass of soda, abdominal pain and bloating often occur. Gases accumulate in the stomach and leave it only after three hours, and the sugar contained in such drinks in excess is inevitably deposited "into fats".
Fast food
Very tasty, but also very unhealthy food, deep-fried on an industrial scale, contains a huge amount of oil, not the first freshness, as well as salt and spices. After such a lunch or dinner, heaviness and bloating will not keep you waiting.
Curd with jam
Sweets and protein foods are not the best combination for the digestive tract. Such a breakfast is digested by the body for so long that the jam begins to ferment. Feelings from this, as you might guess, are very unpleasant.
Ice cream
Внезапно, да? Тем не менее этому холодному лакомству сложно усвоиться организмом (именно потому что холодное и содержащее лактозу). А ещё мороженое очень сладкое...
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Grapes, peaches, pears, melons are difficult to digest by the body due to the high content of fructose (too many enzymes are required for its absorption). The result of a fruit meal can be bloating, cutting pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
Sausage, sausages
sausage, meat, ham Photo source: ru.freepik
They have a lot of salt, which means sodium, which retains fluid in the body. Excess fluid leads to edema (in the abdomen, they are felt as bloating).
Fresh cabbage
It is rich in coarse fiber, which provokes gas formation. During processing, fiber is destroyed, so sauerkraut or stew can be eaten without fear.
green bean Photo source: ru.freepik
They contain complex proteins, for the digestion of which the body needs a lot of enzymes. Because of this, peas, beans or lentils begin to ferment in our stomach, causing bloating and discomfort. Soaking legumes before cooking will help to alleviate the situation a bit.