, author: Ermakova M.

Nutritionists have listed foods that provoke early aging

Often the wrong diet destroys health and beauty.

Photo source: senivpetro/freepik.com.

The process of early aging most often begins to manifest itself in external factors. For example, dry skin, rashes and pimples appear on the face, its color becomes dull, and wrinkles creep out one after another.

Woman eat cake.

Photo source: 123rf.com

According to nutritionists, all this indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals in the human body, in which the internal organs age much faster than usual.

Experts call a balanced diet one of the most important factors for the longest preservation of youth.

Of course, old age cannot be stopped by food alone. Here we need sports, activity, and the absence of bad habits, and a generally healthy lifestyle with a minimum of stress and depression.

But our daily menu is something that greatly affects health and appearance.

And here, experts strongly recommend minimizing the consumption of sugar - both explicit and hidden, which is present in one volume or another in the composition of most popular products.


Photo source: freepik.com

As a result, it turns out that our diet includes a large percentage of sugar, an excess of which leads to the destruction of collagen, and further to the loss of skin elasticity and freshness.

Numerous food additives - dyes, thickeners, flavors, preservatives, and so on and so forth, can also provoke premature external changes in favor of deterioration.

Alcohol, processed meat like sausages, sausages, sausages, pate, and so on, if consumed frequently in large volumes, definitely ages a person, since such food creates an increased load on the cardiovascular apparatus, actually wearing it out faster.

And even ordinary sweet juices and lemonades, if abused, can destroy skin cells and cause the first wrinkles at a fairly young age.

Also, nutritionists remind that with certain types of cooking, even healthy foods often become useless.

For example, cooking in a pressure cooker under the influence of high temperatures leads to the destruction of up to ninety percent of the substances necessary for the body.


Photo source: freepik.com

Yes, and frying food in a pan or grill provokes the release of various carcinogenic compounds from the products.

This, in turn, is fraught with subsequent damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys and the entire system of the gastrointestinal tract. And when a person is sick, he cannot be young either in body or soul.

But if a healthy mind is in a healthy body, a person may not look at the passport to remind himself of his years. Healthy people are people beyond age. And the right diet in this is a big and important helper.