Everything is fine! top products for a great mood
Some products not only improve the appearance and overall well-being, but also charge with positive.
Superfood is a word that has not yet fully become familiar to our ears. However, sometimes the simplest and most affordable products are hidden behind this tricky concept. The ones on this list are mood-enhancing, so it's worth introducing them into your daily diet.
A handful of nuts is quite capable of replacing a full meal. They also activate brain activity and improve mood thanks to Omega-3 and the interaction of compounds of alpha-linoleic acid, folic acid, vitamin E, polyphenols and melatonin.
Bell pepper
He is a champion in the content of vitamin C, and also contains B vitamins (they are responsible for mood).
Flax seeds
They are high in fiber, protein and, again, omega-3s - all of which together contribute to good spirits.
Green tea
This is a real natural antidepressant (green tea can be called so thanks to the antioxidants - polyphenols and the mood-improving amino acid L-theanine).
Cottage cheese
It contains a lot of protein, healthy fats, and also contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of endorphins. 100-200 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day will provide you with a stable positive charge.
Another source of tryptophan. In addition, a banana contains glucose - it tones up and improves mood by one-two-three.
This drink is extremely useful for the intestines (and it is there that up to 90% of all serotonin is produced). Therefore, drinking a glass of kefir every day, you will definitely be cheerful and cheerful.
Baked sweet potato
Firstly, it is delicious (and delicious food is the fastest way to cheer up), and secondly, it is healthy: sweet potato is enriched with the already mentioned B vitamins.