, author: Ermakova M.

Drink and sleep: an unexpected drink will help fight insomnia

Many people have never even heard of him.

Photo source: ru.freepik

A study by nutritionists and psychologists has shown that the vast majority of people not only do not know what “moon milk” is, but have never even heard such a name.

girl with a glass of milk

Photo source: garetsvisual on Freepik

Meanwhile, in terms of its composition, this is just warm milk, which has one very important plus.

The calming effect of this infrequently consumed drink helps not only to balance the nervous system, but also contributes to the real scourge of modern people - insomnia.

According to nutritionists, the recipe for "moon milk" in many countries varies quite a lot in terms of adding certain ingredients to the drink.

For example, on the European continent, milk is often mixed with honey or cinnamon. But milk in any case remains the main component of the product.

It is based on proteins, which, when consumed, cause a feeling of calm and relaxation.

This is especially important before bed and is especially important for those who have trouble falling asleep, who wake up at night and often toss and turn from side to side until morning.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that milk is different from milk and not everything is suitable for helping in the fight against insomnia.

For example, banana milk contains a large percentage of sugar in its composition, and if you use it on an ongoing basis, you can get into trouble in the form of excess weight and other ailments.

Rice milk is produced on the basis of plain white rice with a fairly low fiber content, which is why the human body perceives this drink as a set of useless simple carbohydrates.

The often recommended nut milk proved to be useful in the daytime for maintaining strength and working tone.

But at night, due to the large amount of fat in its composition, such a drink is digested for a long time.

This is an additional load on the liver and gallbladder. In addition, the situation may turn into an even more restless dream than before.

milk with honey

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Yes, and the ingredients allowed by nutritionists should also be added to the drink wisely and with some caution.

For example, the same honey, on the one hand, is considered useful, and on the other hand, it is a very, very high-calorie product. So, if you add it to the "moon milk", then no more than one teaspoon.

The same goes for spices and herbs. If they are not abused, they will really bring a relaxing effect. Among the most popular and inexpensive supplements are chamomile, mint, and lavender extract.

With all this, nutritionists still advise, firstly, not to get involved in “moon milk”, if the situation really does not require it. Secondly, it is better to first discuss the introduction of a drink into your evening diet with a specialist.

Milk, honey and spices are foods that someone may have a hidden allergy that a person may not even know about.