, author: Ermakova M.

Doctors called the most dangerous food in the summer

In hot weather, you need to change the diet.

Photo source: ru.freepik

Fans of fatty and fried foods with the onset of summer should moderate their appetites in order to avoid negative health consequences.

According to doctors, meat, sausages, pates, fast foods and other similar products are already digested in the body for a long time.

And in the heat, they can stay in the stomach and intestines even longer, accelerating the process of decay. This is already fraught with chronic ailments in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, in the hot summer period, you should not get carried away with dairy products, which can cause a very sharp reaction of the body, similar to poisoning.

But more water, as well as liquid-saturated fruits and vegetables, experts advise eating as much as possible in summer. And in general, it is useful and helps against dehydration in the heat.