, author: Ermakova M.

Ribeye steak

Rib-eye "rib-eye" is translated as rib and eye, i.e. characterizes the place of the cut and the shape of the piece for the steak. Cooking such a steak is not difficult, you first need to fry the workpiece over high heat, and then bring it to the desired degree of frying over medium heat. This is how steaks are prepared from almost any meat. The site also has pork, beef, and turkey steak options.

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_vitold3212

It is desirable to use beef meat chilled, not frozen. Pick up spices to your taste, usually these are some kind of peppers and aromatic herbs.

Ribeye steak
Кухня: European, обед, калории: 166, время приготовления: 00:25


A piece of ribeye beef - 1 piece;

Allspice - to taste;

Rosemary or other herbs - to taste;

Salt - to taste.


1. Rub a piece of ribeye with salt and spices. Allow the piece to warm up to room temperature after refrigeration.

2. Then fry all sides of the piece in a hot pan until golden brown, about 1-1.5 minutes each side and 15-30 seconds each side. It is convenient to use special tongs or hold a piece with forks.

3. Transfer the piece to another preheated pan or baking sheet, preferably a grill pan or grill pan. And bring in 5-8 minutes to the desired degree of roasting on the stove over medium heat or in the oven at 200 degrees.

4. Place the almost finished rib-eye steak on a wooden surface and cover with a lid for five minutes.

5. Then serve the ribeye steak with sauces to taste: tomato, pesto, balsamic cream, etc.

It is recommended to cut the steak into thin slices obliquely.

6. Bon appetit!