, author: Ermakova M.

Catalan potato soup with beans

Amazingly light and nutritious soup puree! Quick to make and reasonably priced if you get the beans cheap.

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_jacekbieniek

For most, beans are a symbol of poverty. The phrase "sitting on the beans" is used to refer to difficult times when you are left with nothing. Obviously, this is an outdated phrase, since personally, in my experience, I was faced with the fact that beans are not so easy to find, firstly, and secondly, they are not so cheap in terms of their cost. I immediately wanted to organize a bean garden in the country. And after tasting a wonderful low-calorie Catalan mashed potato soup with beans, she finally established herself in her desire to find beans for planting.

Catalan potato soup with beans
Кухня: European, обед, калории: 42, время приготовления: 00:60


Potato - 200 g

Beans - 185 g

Onion - 150 g

Vegetable broth or water - 800 ml

Black ground pepper - 0.25 tsp

Salt, fresh herbs - to taste

Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.


1. Peel the onion, finely chop and place in a saucepan with vegetable oil. Add black ground pepper. We put on fire and, stirring, fry the onion until translucent, soft and lightly browned.

2. Add peeled and randomly chopped potatoes to the onion.

3. Pour boiling vegetable broth or water, salt and after boiling, cook for 20-30 minutes until the potatoes and beans are fully cooked.

4. Puree the contents of the pan in any convenient way. Using an immersion blender or by transferring the products into a bowl.

5. Add pure chopped herbs to taste.

6. Catalan mashed potato soup with beans is usually served hot, flavored with cream (sour cream, I believe, can also be used).

7. Bon appetit!