, author: Ermakova M.

Chicken fricassee with mushrooms

And let's cook today "all sorts of things" (that's what the French call fricassee) with chicken and mushrooms. Delicious, filling and easy to prepare!

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_zakharovaleksey

I have been making chicken fricassee with mushrooms for many years. "Fricasse" in French means "all sorts of things", so different types of meat and various vegetables are welcome in this dish. I experimented with this dish and settled on a combination of chicken fillet with mushrooms.

At its core, a fricassee is a stew. My version of fricassee is prepared quickly, it turns out delicious. Let's prepare all the products, and there are very few of them, by the way, and cook fricassee with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. I don’t know about you, but for some time now I have been buying pasteurized champignons in tins, so I always have a couple of cans of mushroom stocks in my pantry.

Chicken fricassee with mushrooms
Кухня: french, обед, калории: 122, время приготовления: 00:50


Chicken fillet - 400 g

Champignons - 250 g

Onion - 100 g

Cream - 300 ml

Flour - 1 tbsp

Butter - 50 g

Salt and pepper - to taste


1. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes.

2. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillet on it until lightly browned for 7-8 minutes.

3. Cut the onion into half rings. Onions can be put more, it will give the dish juiciness.

4. Add the onion to the pan to the chicken fillet and fry the meat and onion for another 6-7 minutes, until the onion becomes soft.

5. If you have fresh mushrooms, cut them into plates. I cut my mushrooms into halves, they were medium-sized.

6. Put the mushrooms in the pan to the rest of the ingredients and simmer everything together for another 10-12 minutes.

7. Now add flour and mix the contents of the pan with flour well.

8. Slowly pour in the cream and stir the fricassee so that lumps of flour do not form.

9. Add salt, ground black pepper. You can add nutmeg.

10. Let the contents of the pan boil and remove the pan from the heat. Chicken fricassee with mushrooms in a creamy sauce is ready!

11. Serve fricassee in portions, with a side dish of rice, boiled or fried potatoes.

Bon appetit!