, author: Ermakova M.

Traditional Chili Con Carne

One of the most distinctive Mexican-Texas dishes.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_bernjuer

A thick, rich porridge of red beans, ground beef, and vegetable sauce that is enough to make a separate dish. Despite all this mass of ingredients and flavors, chili con carne is very easy to prepare - you just need to get some tasty products. Our chili con carne recipe includes ground beef with beef broth, several types of peppers, sweet tomato paste, and strong red beans. This wonderful concoction is good served with rice, corn chips, and any other floury-cereal side dish.

Traditional Chili Con Carne
Кухня: Mexican, закуска, калории: 505, время приготовления: 00:30


Ground beef - 500 g

Onion - 1 piece

Red bell pepper - 2 pieces

Chili pepper - 1 piece

Beef broth - 300 ml

Chopped tomatoes in their own juice 400 g

Canned red beans - 400 g

Cumin (zira) - 1 teaspoon

Ground chili pepper - 1 teaspoon

Paprika - 1 teaspoon

Marjoram - ½ teaspoon

Sugar - to taste

Garlic - 2 cloves

Ground black pepper - to taste

Salt - to taste

Tomato paste - 50 g


1. Dice the bell pepper.

2. Chop the onion as well.

3. Chop the garlic and hot pepper.

4. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onion over medium heat until translucent and soft.

5. Add the pepper, garlic, ground chili, paprika and cumin, mix well and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

6. Increase the heat and add the mince, fry until brown, stirring constantly.

7. When the mince is completely fried, add the broth.

8. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, marjoram, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix well. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes.

9. Add the washed beans.

10. Cover and leave on low heat for another 10 minutes. Serve.