Mushroom caviar from frozen mushrooms can be served both as an appetizer (for sandwiches, for filling in pita bread), and as a sauce (for pasta, for buckwheat, etc.). A variety of forest mushrooms are suitable, for example, from my freezer I used honey mushrooms (bought in a hypermarket), butter mushrooms (picked by my daughter near the house) and a mixture of some... incomprehensible mushrooms from my mother (I trust my mother, but I have trouble with the name!
I like to add this caviar as a sauce when I cook pizza. Sometimes I spread it all over the surface of the dough, sometimes I just put it in places between other fillings. You can also make delicious dumplings with it, as well as pies (mushroom or with a filling of mushroom caviar and mashed potatoes).
To store the mushroom caviar, you need to add vinegar, but I advise you to freeze it for later than to change the wonderful taste with acid. Prepare the ingredients according to the list.
Mushroom caviar from frozen mushrooms
Кухня: European, ЗОЖ, калории: 55, время приготовления: 00:30
Frozen mushrooms - 0.4-0.5 kg
Onions - 1-2 heads
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
Salt - to taste
1. Defrost the mushrooms at room temperature. It is convenient to do this in a colander over a bowl so that excess liquid drains.
2. Coarsely chop the onion and simmer in a good amount of vegetable (here olive) oil suitable for frying, lightly salt.
3. Move the prepared onion to the edge of the pan, let the oil drain off and remove, i.e. you can immediately put it in a blender bowl.
4. Fry and stew the mushrooms in this oil until done. It is desirable that excess liquid evaporates from the mushrooms.
5. Chop the onion and mushrooms to the desired degree. Some people like a homogeneous puree, some like small pieces left. Add salt to taste.
6. Previously, housewives scrolled the ingredients for caviar in a meat grinder, and someone loves "that very taste". It is really tasty, but for a small amount it is easier to use a blender. 7. Mushroom caviar from frozen mushrooms is ready. Fragrant, with a bright mushroom taste and... a gloomy color.