, author: Ermakova M.

Potato and Chickpea Salad

I like this potato and chickpea salad both warm and cold.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_mahara07

Mushrooms add an extra flavor, but if you don't have them or don't like them, you can skip this ingredient. The salad is quite filling and, depending on the portion size and the eater's appetite, can easily be considered a full dinner. This salad can be made lean if you make a pesto-type dressing without cheese from olive oil, basil and pine nuts.

Potato and Chickpea Salad
Кухня: European, cалат, калории: 177, время приготовления: 00:30


Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.

Chickpeas - 1 cup

Mushrooms optional - 100-150 g

Pesto - from 1 tbsp.


1. For the potato and chickpea salad, prepare the ingredients according to the list. For the dressing, I suggest pesto sauce, ready-made store-bought or homemade; in winter, I usually only have store-bought. Chickpeas can be canned or cooked at home.

2. Chickpeas need to be soaked before cooking. I have come across different cooking methods, but I usually do it this way: pour water with a small amount of soda over the chickpeas, i.e. so that there is at least three centimeters of water on top of the dry, or rather, not yet swollen chickpeas. Leave for four hours, and then rinse and cook in fresh water for about 45 minutes at a low boil.

3. Almost any mushrooms are suitable for the salad (wild, fresh, frozen, champignons, and dried ones are also fine). Either boil them or fry them. My option is to boil frozen ones in a small amount of water.

4. Cut raw potatoes into small cubes and bake in the oven until done and lightly browned.

5. Combine cooked chickpeas, potatoes and mushrooms together.

6. Season the salad with pesto sauce in the amount of one tablespoon, or you can add more.

7. Lenten salad with baked potatoes and boiled chickpeas with the addition of mushrooms is ready. Enjoy!