Italian Caesar with chicken... Yes, I'm not afraid to show this recipe. I love him! But I’m already looking forward to someone erudite coming and telling me that “Caesar” is an American salad, has nothing to do with Italy and the Roman rulers, and is called so because it was invented by an American emigrant of Italian origin, Caesar Cardini.
Well, the American Caesar salad has its own story, and I have mine. The recipe that I am showing you here is our family recipe. And we called it “Giuseppe salad.” Giuseppe is my father-in-law, now deceased.
Giuseppe was originally from South Tyrol. Unlike all other Austrian Tyrol, the Southern Tyrol belongs to Italy. Resigned as an indemnity after the First World War.
Giuseppe was born in 1920, grew up in a mountain village, never went to restaurants and could not be familiar with Caesar Cardini’s Caesar salad. If someone had told him that he loved American salad, he would not have understood what this person was talking about. He ate this dish, familiar to him since childhood.
You'll see, the Italian Caesar with chicken has some differences from the American one, but all of them only simplify the preparation and reduce the requirements for ingredients. Hand on heart, in the original version, Giuseppe’s salad was not even with chicken, but with game - with all the birds that he and his brothers caught in a snare. It was just easier for them then to get hold of a blackbird, and for you and me now - a chicken. It was a poor man's salad, very quick to prepare and unpretentious in composition. They didn’t care what kind of salad or cheese they had. And game only went there if there was any. Sometimes I even think that, perhaps, Cardini did not invent anything out of steam on Independence Day, but made a salad from leftover food, which he knew about from his Italian dad or grandfather. However, it was bad manners to admit that his family ate such miserable dishes. In Italy, this is not restaurant cuisine.
Italian Caesar with chicken
Кухня: European, cалат, калории: 189, время приготовления: 00:20
Salad - 30 g
Chicken - 50 g
Cheese - 15 g
White cracker - 5 g
Egg - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 tsp.
Salt, pepper, vinegar - to taste
1. Before starting to prepare everything else, set the egg to boil soft-boiled (3-5 minutes).
2. Wash the salad and tear it with your hands into pieces that can be easily pricked on a fork and stuffed into your mouth. Absolutely any salad, with no restrictions on variety at all. At least a mixture of salads.
3. Should I fry or specially dry croutons for salad? Yeah, lucky!... We just take stale dry white bread or flatbread, break it or crush it with a knife - here's our Giuseppe's crackers.
4. We tear the chicken into fibers with our hands. If you have a thrush, there is generally nothing special to pick there. The quail can be torn: legs - separately, wings - separately, carcass - into 2 parts.
5. Grate Parmesan? Parmesan? Haha three times! What kind of cheese was that is what they ate! Well, okay, I just have a scrap of Parmesan, let's take Parmesan. We just won’t rub it. Good people, I’m not sure that all of Orzano in the thirties of the twentieth century had at least one grater! Well, maybe in some very rich houses. Therefore, we simply cut or break any cheese that comes to hand. Pieces of absolutely arbitrary configuration.
6. Giuseppe's salad dressing had two required ingredients - olive oil and salt. He personally didn’t eat pepper, because he wasn’t used to it (it was expensive during his childhood), but everyone else in the family loved this Italian “Caesar” with chicken with pepper. There also had to be something for acid. No Worcestershire sauce! Balsamic, lemon juice or regular vinegar (not essence, but apple or wine). Any component of this trinity, whatever you like - and order.
7. Well, I hope your egg is already ready too? Roll the egg well with cold water, gently crumple the shell on all sides, remove the egg onto a plate and mash it into several pieces with a fork. The egg should be soft-boiled, not in a bag.
8. Pour the egg over the salad. The white is in pieces, the yolk is in the sauce. That's it, the Italian Caesar salad with chicken is ready!
9. Tasty - awesome, no worse than the reputable American version.