Classic salad of Chinese cuisine. The main ingredients of a hearty Beijing salad: cabbage, pork, funchose, carrots and cucumber.
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Beijing salad is a dish of Chinese cuisine, and it is traditionally prepared from white cabbage, and not from Beijing cabbage, as is usually assumed. I think that if the cabbage is not very juicy, such as this can be on sale in winter, then it’s easier to use Peking cabbage - nothing bad will happen. This will not affect the taste in any way. And instead of pork, you can take chicken fillet.
They say that Chinese salt is important for this salad, and this is nothing more than monosodium glutamate, to which we have a prejudiced attitude in our country. And it is also very important to use sesame oil; there are no equivalent substitutes for it.
From my own experience, I will say in a whisper that for salad dressing you can use ready-made dressing for Korean funchose, which is sold in soft bags. It already contains the necessary balance of acid, salt with seasonings and oil. But you only need to take part of this dressing, adding a little soy sauce, garlic and pepper. Adjust everything to your taste, maintaining the balance of acidity and spiciness.
Or prepare the dressing yourself by mixing everything according to the recipe. There is nothing complicated in preparing Beijing salad. We will need all the products on the list.
Beijing salad
Кухня: European, cалат, калории: 158, время приготовления: 00:40
Капуста белокочанная - 200 г
Свинина постная - 250 г
Масло кунжутное – 2 ст.л.
Лапша фунчоза – 50 г
Соль – по вкусу
Огурец – 2 шт.
Морковь – 1 шт.
Перец красный молотый – по вкусу
Соус соевый – 3 ст.л.
Белый винный уксус – 3 ст.л.
Сахар - 0.5 ч.л.
Чеснок – 2 зубчика
Масло кунжутное - 2 ст.л.
1. Cut the meat into thin strips.
2. For the sauce, mix vinegar, garlic, red pepper, a pinch of sugar, soy sauce and a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil.
3. Fry the meat in a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil, add salt and pepper.
4. Cut the cabbage into very thin strips. You can lightly press it with your hands.
5. Cut the carrots and cucumber (I have one large one, you can take two) into thin strips or use a Korean grater. I always cut with a sharp knife.
6. Pour boiling water over funchoza as written on the package.
7. You can serve Beijing salad in a deep casserole or on a flat dish. Place cabbage as the first layer and carrots on top.
8. Then - fresh cucumber. Layers can be alternated.
9. Then - a layer of funchose and fried meat. Pour the prepared dressing over the salad and sprinkle with green onions for beauty.
10. Beijing salad is ready. If desired, you can mix it. Bon appetit!