, author: Ermakova M.

Kvass with horseradish at home

Vigorous and aromatic horseradish kvass is perfect for okroshka or for those who like “strong” drinks. This kvass is easy to make yourself, so go for it.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_huresilie

Gather everything you need to make kvass with horseradish at home. I bought rye crackers already ground, they sell them here. But if you don’t have ready-made ones, then dry the pieces of rye bread in the oven and grind it in any way - in a coffee grinder or in a manual meat grinder (take care of the electric one, it may not cope with the breadcrumbs).

Kvass with horseradish at home
Кухня: European, напитки, калории: 11, время приготовления: 48:10


Ground rye crackers - 3 tbsp.

Sugar - 2 tbsp.

Dry yeast - 1 tsp.

Horseradish (roots) - to taste

Water - 2 l


1. Wash the horseradish roots thoroughly and remove the skin. Cut into small pieces or cut into shavings with a knife. The amount of horseradish for kvass is a matter of taste. The more horseradish, the brighter its taste and aroma. I put three pieces about the size of my index finger.

2. Pour crackers, yeast and sugar into a clean, dry jar, and add pieces of horseradish.

3. Pour in room temperature water and stir until the sugar and yeast dissolve.

4. Cover the jar with an inverted lid and leave in a warm place for a day.

5. After a day, strain the kvass, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator for another day. You can add additional sugar to each bottle (about 2 tablespoons per liter of finished kvass). The yeast will eat the sugar and release carbon dioxide - and the kvass will be very foamy and sharp.

6. After two days, homemade kvass with horseradish is ready! This is a great option for okroshka!